Medical, Health & Social Care Jobs Abroad


Do you work in the medical industry? Are you keen for a change of scenery and open to the idea of living and working in a different country? Find jobs in the health and social care industries around the world.

Latest Vacancies

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Viamonde offer Ski & snowboard trips in Switzerland for international schools and as well as hiring experienced ski, snowboard and outdoor activity instructors, they are also recruiting qualified nurses and paramedics.

These companies are also recruiting now

ALHomecare are hiring care staff to work in Ireland. Applications are welcome from Irish/EU citizens.

Work Abroad in Medical and Healthcare

There are lots of different roles in heath and social care which can be used to work abroad. If you are currently working as a doctor, nurse, surgeon, dentist, ambulance service team, care worker, healthcare support worker, midwife, pharmacist, psychology or a related job in the medical profession you can find so many amazing positions around the world.

Whether you are looking for a short term position, are keen to boost your training, experience and skills, or just want to live somewhere different and experience a chance of scenery there are so many options.

Some positions overseas are full time, for example in hospitals, doctors surgeries and care homes.

Other roles are temporary and flexible and can be fitted around your yearly working schedule. Some are just for a season like summer and winter, for example summer camps and ski resorts which both need medical staff.

If you love to travel and want to see the world you might want to consider applying to work on a cruise ship. Another option you might not have considered is voluntary work abroad where you can use your skills to make a difference around the globe.