Berries Direct Farming

A two site farming operation, based in Norfolk, England, proudly producing British strawberries every year.

We produce over 880 tonnes of British strawberries every year. We bring passion and insight into every berry we produce. Growing fresh strawberries in the heart of Norfolk. With a dedicated team, focusing on producing quality berries every season. We grow strawberries our customers want to buy time and time again and we produce berries that we know our consumers love.

Different Types of Work

Working at our farms can mean a variety of jobs and Berries Direct Farming employs energetic people, passionate about the soft fruit we produce. We start preparing the site new crops in February and work right through to December when the last of the glasshouse are picked. Work is a mixture of plant husbandry, picking, manual labour and packing. We build up teams of staff for each of these areas and the teams are led by supervisors.

Picking Jobs

This is the most crucial operation on our site. Berries are harvested continuously from April until December by groups of pickers under the supervision of skilled harvesting staff. High standards of food hygiene and crop handling are maintained.

We provide a lot of training to our staff. Our pickers are carefully shown how to handle the plants and fruit so as not to damage the berries. We hand pick all our berries direct into the punnet that goes out to the customer.

Early morning starts ensure the fruit is picked when it is not too hot. The picked fruit is transported directly to the packhouse, where its temperature is reduced to 2-5°C to preserve shelf life.

Whilst working at Berries Direct Farming, we want you to have a good experience and the opportunity to earn money. Many of the jobs are paid using a piece rate system, meaning the more productive you are, the more money you earn.

We generally pick six days a week and working hours vary dependent on crop timing and weather.

We pay weekly into a UK bank account; you are entitled to holiday pay based on the hours you work. We pay the National Living Wage in line with UK legislation.